Maxime Bodin
Editorial Game Designer, Ubisoft

Josh Sawyer
Indie Dev

Hugo Bille
Indie Dev

Paula Angela Escuadra
UX Strategist, Microsoft

Andrea Piano
Game Scholar, Sapienza University

Arnaud Fayolle
Art Director, Ubisoft

…the IGDA Climate SIG, a community of climate-minded game developers housed within an international nonprofit organization. The Climate SIG serves to unlock grassroots climate action, enable climate councils within every major game company, and amplify the UN Environment Programme’s message about youth advocacy, the power of video games, and what games can do to address the climate crisis.

🛠️ What we do

We built this database of best practices to equip developers with the tools they need to craft effective climate messaging into games and reduce production impact. Our goal is to share this knowledge widely to inspire other devs, and feed the database with new best practices over time!

What now though


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